Fact check: Ireland and Sweden have warmed since 1988, data show

The claim: There has been no January warming in Ireland and Sweden since 1988

Average global temperatures have risen by nearly 2 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880, according to NASA. Other independent, long-term climate datasets corroborate that finding.

However, some social media users have shared a blog post that claims certain countries defy this trend. 

"Ireland, Sweden show no January warming since 1988. Antarctic sea ice extent now more than 40 years stable," reads the headline of the blog post, shared in a Feb. 16 Facebook post.

Versions of the blog post – published by a website called "Watts Up With That?" – received hundreds of interactions on Facebook, Twitter and Reddit.

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However, the claim is misleading. This blog post cherry-picks both the time frame and the specific month, a methodology experts say is flawed. Ireland and Sweden have warmed since 1988 if all months are accounted for.

USA TODAY reached out to blog author and social media users who shared the claim for comment.

Sweden, Ireland have warmed since 1988

While the blog names the Japan Meteorological Agency as its source, the data was not originally collected by the agency, according to Wakamatsu Shunya, a Japan Meteorological Agency science officer. 

The blog post links to data published on the agency's "ClimatView" portal, he said in an email. The portal is populated by data received via an international messaging system between meteorological agencies.

In this file photograph taken on Oct. 27, 2021, a man works at the Rhone Glacier which is partially covered with insulating foam to prevent it from melting due to global warming near Gletsch, Switzerland.

The Swedish data appears to stem from the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, which participates in the messaging system. While the blog analyzed data from five Swedish stations, there is data available from 35 stations dating back to 1988, according to Sverker Hellström, a climatologist at the institute.

When data from these stations is analyzed, there has been no statistically significant January warming since 1988, Hellström told USA TODAY in an email. However, Sweden has warmed since 1988 if annual temperatures are considered.

Additionally, Swedish data show a positive warming trend for January since 1985, he said. 

"I don’t know why they started at 1988 in the blog post, but 1988 was a rather warm winter after several very cold winters in the mid-80s," Hellström said. "It is an old trick to start with a warm year if you want to show the absence of a warming trend."

Fact check:Short term global temperature fluctuations do not negate climate science, overall warming

The Irish data in the Japan Meteorological Agency portal likely originated at Met Éireann, the Irish Meteorological Service, according to Sandra Spillane, a climatologist at the service.

Like Sweden, Ireland has not warmed since 1988 when only January is considered. However, annual temperatures have warmed considerably in that same time frame, Spillane told USA TODAY in an email.

While Sweden and Ireland do not show significant January warming since 1988, global January temperatures have warmed by about 0.3 degrees Fahrenheit per decade, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Global Time Series tool.

"You can almost always find a shorter time or more local record to seemingly contradict the long-term global" trend, Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies previously told USA TODAY. "They don’t though."

Unlike Arctic sea ice, Antarctic sea ice extent not shrinking

The blog post also claims Antarctic sea ice has been stable for 40 years. This is fairly accurate.

While Antarctic sea ice extent – size – has fluctuated since the late 1970s, it has not changed much overall.

"There had been a trend in the Antarctic toward increased sea ice coverage from the late 1970s to 2014, but with the decreases from 2014 to 2017, the record from the late 1970s until now does not show a strong overall trend,” Claire Parkinson, a senior climatologist at NASA, previously told USA TODAY.  

Fact check: Misleading data used in claim alleging a global cooling trend

Multiple climate data agencies have reported this fact, including NASA, NOAA, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the National Snow and Ice Data Center.

However, the Antarctic ice sheet has lost significant mass in the last few decades, according to NASA. The ice sheet primarily rests on the Antarctic landmass, whereas sea ice refers to ice that forms over the ocean.

Arctic sea ice is also rapidly declining.

Our rating: Missing context

Based on our research, we rate MISSING CONTEXT the claim that there has been no January warming in Ireland and Sweden since 1988, because without additional context it may be misleading. While the claim itself is accurate, it's based on cherry-picked data. There has been warming in both Ireland and Sweden since 1988 if all months are considered.

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